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Contractor & Suppliers

Procuring Goods and Services 

We procure a wide range of services, supplies and works in line with our business needs. We aim to


  • Achieve best value for all contracts procured through the operation of efficient and effective procurement procedures, recognising that lowest cost will not always represent best value.
  • Achieve best value for all contracts procured through the operation of efficient and effective procurement procedures, recognising that lowest cost will not always represent best value.
  • As far as practicable, follow the full EU compliant processes for all contracts above the ‘Lower Value Regulated Contracts’ thresholds (£50,000 excl VAT for supplies and services; £2,000,000 excl VAT for works contracts – figures current from 1st January 2022).

  • Achieve best value for all contracts procured through the operation of efficient and effective procurement procedures, recognising that lowest cost will not always represent best value
  • Ensure compliance with legislation and guidance when carrying out procurement activity.
  • Prepare a Group Procurement Strategy and Annual Reports that will include contracts procured by Association subsidiaries.

Further information on our procurement arrangements can be found in our Procurement Policy. 

A copy of our Procurement Strategy can be found here. We will also publish an Annual Procurement Report upon completion of our audited accounts each year. 

Details of regulated public contracts we are currently tendering, and those which we have recently awarded, can be found in our Buyer Profile on the Public Contracts Scotland website.  

Freedom of Information Requirements 

Along with all other Scottish Registered Social landlords, we are required to comply with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”). We are also subject to the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (“EIRs”). These give our tenants and members of the public a right to ask for information about our activities, performance and decisions.  

Other information that we receive from bidders during procurement exercises or that we hold about our contractors and suppliers may need to be disclosed in response to a request for information. In general, information will be released unless it is covered by a legal exemption. This could also be the case where information is commercially sensitive. 

We will treat each request on a case by case basis and determine whether any legal exemption applies. If any contractor or supplier considers that any information they have supplied to us is commercially sensitive and/or confidential, they are asked to let us know. They can use our Schedule to identify the information and explain what harm may result from disclosure and the time period applicable to that sensitivity.  Completed Schedules should be returned to FOI@Caledoniaha.co.uk 

Where a request received under FOISA or EIRs relates to information that identified as commercially sensitive and/or confidential we shall endeavour to consult with the contractor before replying to such a request. However,  even where they have indicated that information is commercially sensitive and/or confidential, we may be required to disclose or publish this information under FOISA/EIRs. The final decision on the interpretation of FOISA/EIRs and the release of information will be made by the Association. We ask all contractors to note that we cannot accept any duty of confidence as a result of any information you have supplied to us, or supply to us in future, being marked as ‘confidential’ or equivalent. 

If you have any questions about these requirements please email us at FOI@Caledoniaha.co.uk . Alternatively contact us and ask to speak to a member of the Governance Team. Further information on FOISA/EIRs is also available at www.itspublicknowledge.info